Saturday, April 26, 2008

Car-aholics Anonymous

Hi everyone, my name is Brandon, and I have a car problem. [Hi Brandon!]

I recently came to this conclusion after I started thinking about buying a different car. Again. There's nothing particularly wrong with my current car, objectively speaking. It's fairly new, has decent performance, has enough room for my dogs, and gets me from Point A to Point B with a minimum of fuss.

The problem, though, is that's boring. Sure, it's fast, but it lacks pizazz. Maybe it's the slushbox - that single invention that can suck the soul out of a car nut faster than the flashing lights in your rear view mirror. Maybe it's the wagon. Or maybe, just maybe, I have a problem.

When I bought the 9-2X, I did the math and realized that my wife and I had owned 16 cars so far in our driving careers. At age 30. Even then, I didn't really admit that I had a problem - there were perfectly valid reasons for each change, you see. The cars weren't practical, or they were breaking down too often, or they didn't get good enough gas mileage, or we needed to cut back on our monthly expenses.

This time, though, there are no good excuses. So, the first step in my car-aholics program: admit that you have a problem.

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